Simply Explained - Fascia Training
Unveil the benefits of fascia training – a technique focused on releasing and stretching connective tissue to enhance mobility and alleviate pain. Perfect for recovery after physical activity and daily stress relief.
Fascia Training is a technique aimed at loosening and stretching the connective tissue, also known as fascia. This tissue is a type of network that permeates the entire body, surrounding and connecting muscles, organs, and bones. When fasciae become adhered or hardened, this can lead to pain and limitations in mobility. Fascia training aims to release these adhesions and hardenings to allow for better mobility and less pain. There are various techniques that can be applied in fascia training, including manual techniques like trigger point therapy or devices like fascia rollers or massage balls. The technique can be used for various complaints, such as back pain or muscle tension. It is important to note that fascia training is a complementary training measure. An optimal training session consists of fascia training, mobility exercises, and activation of the muscles that are to be trained subsequently.
Whether with a fascia roller, a fascia ball, or other tools such as the FlexSpot – fascia training can be incredibly versatile. It helps to release tension and prevent pain.
I personally love fascia training and regularly integrate it into my training routine. It is not only good for my body but also for my mental health. After all, who doesn't know this: after a hard workout or a stressful day, it feels incredibly good to relax with a fascia roller and release tension - also highly recommended as an "active break."